Slough House is Jackson Lamb’s kingdom; a dumping ground for members of the intelligence service w..
Already struggling to juggle co-running Candlebark's pub/bistro along with her new childcare respons..
A man is dead and now that Charlie and Nao are unwilling accomplices in his murder there's only one ..
17th May 1899. Queen Victoria lays the foundation stone on the site of a new museum being built in S..
With Odran's defeat at the Battle of the Dark Portal his quest to rule over Talamh and Breen has sta..
It is 1987 and a small Irish community is preparing for a wedding. The day before the ceremony a gro..
When hordes of people descend on the picturesque village of Nasely for the annual celebration of its..
When Breen Kelly makes a leap into the unknown with a summer trip to Ireland in search of her father..
A year after a calamitous blunder by the Russian secret service left a British citizen dead from nov..
It is spring and the body of a young Jewish woman is discovered buried in the Maine woods. It is cle..
Forced to reassess her future IT nerd and country girl Addie Kendall returns to her family's Wimmera..
One freezing night an SS doctor and his wife return from an evening mingling with their fellow Nazis..
When millionaire Leo Speight is found poisoned at his Ayrshire mansion Police Scotland has a tough c..
In Lower Hembrow an idyllic village nestled beneath Ham Hill in Somerset the villagers are preparing..
Elizabeth Keane returns to Ireland after her mother's death intent only on wrapping up that dismal p..